TheCandledust je sviečka, ktorú si sami vytvoríte!
Všetky naše ingrediencie sú recyklovateľné a opätovne použiteľné
TheCandledust má vždy nový a fresh vzhľad.
1. Vyberte si vhodnú nádobu.
2. Nasypte TheCandledust do pripravenej nádoby.
3. Vložte knôtik do prášku, zapáľte a užívajte si pohodu!
Pravdepodobne ste ešte nikdy nepočuli o TheCandledust. Teraz, keď už o nich viete, môžete prekvapiť svojich blízkych!
Darček, ktorý prináša teplo, svetlo a upokojujúcu aromaterapiu!
TheCandledust je sviečka, ktorú si sami vytvoríte!
Breeze Candledust!
The candle burns for a long time with one wick and a pleasantly light and fresh aroma.
ClaraDivine aromas!
Very fast and pleasant service! The candles smell divine and look very pretty too!
So beautiful and stylish, the perfect gift under the tree.
MariaDark Honey
The Candledust candle with my most favorite scent. Just perfect 😊
KristinaRhubarb sparkle
Elegant packaging, super nice and interesting smell. Fills the room with a perfectly romantic scent. Very convenient to use.
I received the first powder candle as a gift - I had never heard of it before. Now I have also bought them as gifts, it's a great idea. Everything is as the description says: simple and brilliant in the sense that you can recycle all the empty candle cups-stands-glasses that you haven't thought to throw away
Rhubarb Sparkle
Products with a very pleasant smell! Surprisingly easy to use, grease and soot free! Fast delivery!